
Created for ACER - Associazione Costruttori Edili di Roma e Provincia (Italy) for their 2007, annual conference, Auditorium, Rome, Italy

3 screen/projector presentation, ratio 10:3, 4 min. Dataton Watchout using mixed media integrating 3 live video inputs. Approx. screen size 2.3 x 7 m.

Multivision conference opener, a concept inspired by the "Invisible Cities" by Italo Calvino. To present the historical-cultural aspect of 'building' for 'housing' needs. the ideal city focusing on culture, industry or nature, and today on that "urban breath" that represents the discriminating quality of the citizens' lives. If a city is to be a living museum, it should never evolve and should not even modify the number of its inhabitants and its economy.

Rome has changed many times over the centuries, from Roman to medieval, from Baroc to today's city. Changing in a consistent manner with the economic development and the quality of life of its citizens that makes Rome eternal. It is this mixture of ancient and modern that generates a new function and sets an identity for ever.

Alex Rowbotham programmed Watchout in addition to creating the primary design, artwork and art direction. AGRfoto provided some existing library stock.

Original soundtrack by Sandro Di Stefano. Voice-over in Italian. Remaining material and media assets created and/or supplied by the agency. Producer/Director - Aldo di Russo.

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Photo Illustration

Tuscan Garden photo illustration - click for moreAn experiment, a montage series of images "Lorem Ipsum" inspired by time spent in Tuscany and Cornwall using techniques developed for multivision presentations.


Outdoor building projection - click for moreProjection installations, on both the interiors and exteriors of buildings as well as utilising more traditional screen formats - single and multi-screen. From museum installations to corporate and arts events, single projector presentations to full blown multi-projector, synchronised images and sound for architectural building 3D mapping.

Passing the Time

Time-lapse sequence photograph - click for moreCreation of time-lapse photography, whether to show change over an hour, a day, a week, a month or year(s). The resulting images can be provided as images or composed as an animated movie in any video format from DVD quality through to HD and 4K, plus for display on online.