
Drents Museum in the Netherlands commissioned this permanent audio visual installation which opened in September 1997, and remained popular for 13 years. An educational and entertaining show (edutainment) which provided a new insight into the geology in Drenthe.

The story is told through a conversation between Mother Earth and a local character, who was infamous for his crack-pot theories and storytelling.

It begins 4600 million years ago and highlights 8 major time periods and geological events. It is told in three languages, Dutch, German and English. This exhibition proved so successful that it remained unchanged for 9 years and even then it was merely converted to digital projection to update the hardware.

Widescreen projection, ratio 11:2. (18 mins.) It incorporates 12 slide and 2 video projectors, with hydraulically driven objects around the theatre. Screen size 5 x 1 m.

Alex Rowbotham provided concept design, storyboards, asset creation, and art directed the final compositions produced using After Effects. Video clips, and media assets created and/or supplied by the production studio/agency.

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Photo Illustration

Tuscan Garden photo illustration - click for moreAn experiment, a montage series of images "Lorem Ipsum" inspired by time spent in Tuscany and Cornwall using techniques developed for multivision presentations.


Outdoor building projection - click for moreProjection installations, on both the interiors and exteriors of buildings as well as utilising more traditional screen formats - single and multi-screen. From museum installations to corporate and arts events, single projector presentations to full blown multi-projector, synchronised images and sound for architectural building 3D mapping.

Passing the Time

Time-lapse sequence photograph - click for moreCreation of time-lapse photography, whether to show change over an hour, a day, a week, a month or year(s). The resulting images can be provided as images or composed as an animated movie in any video format from DVD quality through to HD and 4K, plus for display on online.